Word to use instead of Good, Great, Nice and Pretty

Word to use instead of Good, Great, Nice and Pretty

Over the past few decades, we all have fed up with the use of words like nice, good, pretty and smart. The use of these words now looks very odd as they got pale with time. But we can’t resist ourselves from using them until we know their substitutes. So, here in this article to render this problem, we are presenting you with a list of words which will make your conversations magnificent. Following is the list of words that can be used instead of good, great, nice and pretty - 
  1. Adorable
  2. Alluring
  3. Ambrosial
  4. Astonishing
  5. Astounding
  6. Awe-inspiring 
  7. Awesome
  8. Bedazzling
  9. Brilliant
  10. Breathtaking
  11. Captivating
  12. Classy
  13. Compelling
  14. Dazzling
  15. Delectable
  16. Delicate
  17. Eclipsing
  18. Elite
  19. Elegant
  20. Enchanting
  21. Enriching
  22. Epic
  23. Enthralling
  24. Enticing
  25. Ethereal
  26. Excellent
  27. Exceptional
  28. Exhilarating
  29. Extraordinary
  30. Fabulous
  31. Fantastic
  32. Flawless
  33. First-rate
  34. Gorgeous
  35. Graceful
  36. Gripping
  37. Groundbreaking
  38. Gut-wrenching
  39. Headline-worthy
  40. Iconic
  41. Ideal
  42. Incomparable
  43. Ineffable
  44. Impeccable
  45. Insightful
  46. Inspired
  47. Kick-Ass
  48. Laudable
  49. Legendary
  50. Luminous
  51. Luscious
  52. Magnetic
  53. Magnificent
  54. Marvellous
  55. Meticulous
  56. Masterful
  57. Notable
  58. Pioneering
  59. Pitch-Perfect
  60. Pivotal
  61. Prime
  62. Provocative
  63. Radiant
  64. Refined
  65. Rich
  66. Riveting
  67. Resplendent
  68. Sensational
  69. Spectacular
  70. Splendid
  71. Staggering
  72. Stunning
  73. Stellar
  74. Superb
  75. Supreme
  76. Thrilling
  77. To Die For
  78. Top-Notch
  79. Trailblazing
  80. Thought-Provoking
  81. Touching
  82. Transcendent
  83. Tremendous
  84. Unforgettable
  85. Uplifting
  86. Vibrant
  87. Wonderful
  88. World class


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