English Vocabulary - How to compliment someone PDF Download

Don't hesitate to applaud them if you found them praiseworthy. Correct use of compliments makes the conversation rich and delightful. Although, complimenting someone could be a quite tricky task if you don't know the right words. For example, if you found someone funny and entertaining, despite complimenting them by saying "you are very funny", you could say "you are amusing" and it will sound more powerful.
Following is the list of such powerful complimenting words, which you should adopt in your vocabulary -

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How to compliment someone

When someone is intriguing, they’re mysterious and interesting and have a way of pulling you in. People take this word as a huge compliment.

We’ve all met someone who is simply gorgeous, so pretty or handsome that there are few words to describe them. This word does! “He is stunning in that gorgeous suit."

When someone literally makes your heart pound and takes your breath away, this word describes what they do to you with their simple presence. “You are breathtaking, my dear.”

Someone who moves very smoothly, has a perfect smile, and makes everyone feel as though they are floating on air could be considered elegant. “She is such an elegant woman – look at how she glides across a room!"

This means brave, with confidence. For example, “Her bold move caught her opponent off guard.”'

You can use this as a complement when you want to let someone know that you’re not only attracted to their appearance, but you’re attracted to who they are as a person. If you would rather spend time with this person because you know it would be more fun than any alternatives, then they’re appealing to you.

This word is used to describe a person – usually a man – who has charm, elegance, and poise all in one. He has that gentleman quality that so many women love.

If you seem to be following around the same person, hanging on their every word and waiting for them to make their next move, then you should tell them they’re alluring.

This word means someone is very interesting or attractive. For example, “The way she looks is very enticing.”

A person who does very good things in life and makes day-to-day things easier for others might be considered an angel. “He is such an angelic man. What would we do without him?”

Someone who is unique is often sought after by others because they are so different, in a wildly creative and quirky way. This is a huge compliment! For example: “That girl is so unique that she keeps me on my toes.”

This word doesn’t get used too much to compliment someone, but it should. If you know someone who is so extraordinary and they just make you happy for no reason, then tell them they’re marvelous.

Do you know someone who can just open their mouth to talk and have the entire room hanging onto their every word? Do you know someone who just walks into a room and has every head turned in their direction? Then you should complement this person by telling them they’re captivating.

Someone who makes you want to touch them, be near them, and simply spend time with them can be suited by this word, which means you are drawn to them. “She looks so fetching in that dress.”

This means full of energy, happy, energetic and lively. An example of this might be: “He is such a spirited young man! He will do anything he sets his mind to do.”

This word is all about someone who is respectful, classy, and handles grace under pressure. “Her gracious manner makes everyone feel warm and welcome.”

When someone is charming, they are very likeable, to the point of getting everyone’s attention in a positive way. “He’s a regular Prince Charming!”

When someone is absolutely wonderful in every way, ‘wondrous’ is a word that tries to encompass all the good things they are. “I have a wondrous relationship with this beautiful woman…I’m so lucky.”

Someone who is very classy, put-together and sophisticated might be considered refined. For example, “She is a very refined woman who was obviously raised well.”

This fun word is a way to explain someone who is determined, has plenty of gumption, and will make a serious mark on the world. “She’s so spunky that I know she will do great things!”

Someone who is grand, who makes you feel as though great things are happening, might make your life feel rather majestic. “He’s so majestic, like an elegant king of his castle.”

When someone has beautiful skin, gorgeous hair, pretty eyes and other attributes that make them special to you, they could be considered lovely. This includes anyone who suits your fancy, even if they are not conventionally pretty. “This woman is so lovely, she just takes my breath away.”

Usually meant to describe a woman, this word means someone who can seduce you with a glance – but doesn’t necessarily know that she can. Being sensuous usually comes very naturally. For example: “She has no idea how sensuous she is.”

Someone who gets your attention due to almost shocking beauty and poise can be considered striking. “I didn’t notice him until he looked at me, and those striking eyes just did me in.”

When you are simply astounded by everything someone does, and it seems like they can do no wrong, they are often considered amazing. For example: “His ability to get anything done is just amazing to me."

Occasionally a person will simply exude sexual tension and desire, even if they aren’t trying to do so. That person might be considered sultry. “She has such a sultry way of walking. It always gets my attention.”

Meaning: very polite.
Example: His courteous personality came across well with the dinner guests.

Meaning: acting in an informal, but happy manner
Example: She connects well with clients due to her breezy personality.

Meaning: refined with good social manners
Example: She came across as a polished public speaker at the marketing event.

Meaning: possessing the ability to come up with new things or concepts.
Example: Her creativity resulted in many awards.

If you’ve ever been around a guy and you just can’t seem to keep your train of thought, it’s because they’re so mesmerizing that you can’t concentrate. Let them know this and watch their smile grow wide!

This word isn’t used nearly enough to describe someone who makes things fun and interesting. If you have a good time with them and are never bored, complement them by saying they’re amusing.

Meaning: has the look of importance or respect.
Example: He looks distinguished in uniform.

Meaning: the opposite of subtle; extremely overt and exciting
Example: The music group dressed very flamboyantly, catching everyone’s eye.

Meaning: extremely beautiful
Example: She looked ravishing in that dress.

Meaning: lively and energetic
Example: Her teammates love her because of her sparky leadership style.

Meaning: having a great deal of overall friendliness
Example: The host is very genial and is popular with the patrons

Source - enkivillage.com and herinterest.com


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