Where to use the word “time” or “times”

Where to use the word “time” or “times”

Time is a noun. Sometimes it is countable and other times it is not. Its use can be difficult to understand at first but once you get through this lesson, you may find it easy to use its various forms effectively.

 Time as Uncountable Noun:

When we refer to time as duration measured by clocks, it is uncountable.
a.       How much time do you need to get ready?
b.      Not, How many time do you need to get ready?
c.       Hurry up – we haven’t got enough time.

However, the elements of time (year, day, hour, minutes, seconds) can be countable.
Example –
a. It took me 5 hours to reach the railway station.

Time as Countable Noun:

When we refer to time as a particular occasion or time when something happened, it is countable.

a. Ques - How many times have you been to India?
b. Ans - I have been there many times.

In expressions like a long timea short timea few times or many a time, the word time is used as a countable noun.

a.   He took a long time to finish his novel.
b. He has been studying with me a few times.c. I met her two times before.

While Referring time to past events:

a. Do you remember the last time we met?
b. Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer in the golden valley.
c. I called him at various times yesterday.

On time and in time:

On time: we use on time for scheduled events.

a.       The train to Delhi is on time.
b.      The award ceremony is scheduled for 4:00 PM.
If I arrive at 4:00 PM, I am on time for the ceremony.

In time: we use on time when we are not late and have enough time to do something.

a.       The train to Delhi is on time. We will reach the republic day parade in time. (Before it gets started)
b.      You’re just in time for the meeting! (Meeting has not been started yet)

Time as a replacement of multiple occasions of the same type:

once: one time
twice: Two times
thrice: Three times
quarce: Four times
quince: Five times
sence: Six times
septence: Seven times
octence: Eight times
novence: Nine times
decence: Ten times
undecence: Eleven times
duodecence: Twelve times
tredecence: Thirteen times


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