Daily English Vocabulary Part 1

Snob - someone who tends to criticize reject, ignore people who come from a lower social class , having less education. Cobbler- makes for repairs shoes. Snore - to breathe noisely while sleep while sleeping. Rebuff - to refuse something such as an offer or suggestion in a rude way. Example - Our suggestion was immediately rebuffed. She rebuffed when he asked her for a date. Patronize - to give money, support to (someone or something). to be a frequent customer or user of (a place). to talk in a way that shows you believe that you are more intelligent than other people. Sovereign - A king or a queen. Sovereignty - it country’s independent authority and right to govern itself. Example - upon leaving home she felt that she had achieved sovereignty for the first time in her life. Enact - to perform something (such as a scene in a play). To make a bill or other le...