The 100 most important English Proverbs

Every culture has a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your life. These sayings are called "proverbs".

It's good to know the really common English proverbs because you hear them come up in conversation all the time. Sometimes people say the entire proverb to give advice to a friend. Learning proverbs can also help you to understand the way that people in English-speaking cultures think about the world.

Here is a compilation of such 100 proverbs in English. Click below to download them.
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The 100 most important English proverbs (2)-01

The 100 most important English proverbs (2)-03The 100 most important English proverbs (2)-04The 100 most important English proverbs (2)-05The 100 most important English proverbs (2)-06The 100 most important English proverbs (2)-07The 100 most important English proverbs (2)-08The 100 most important English proverbs (2)-09The 100 most important English proverbs (2)-10The 100 most important English proverbs (2)-11


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