Daily English Vocabulary Part 1

Snob -  
  • someone who tends to criticize reject, ignore people who come from a lower social class , having less education.
  • makes for repairs shoes.
 Snore -
  • to breathe noisely while sleep while sleeping.
 Rebuff -
  • to refuse something such as an offer  or suggestion in a rude way.
 Example -  
  • Our suggestion was  immediately  rebuffed.
  • She rebuffed when he asked her for a date.
Patronize -  
  • to give money, support to (someone or something).
  • to be a frequent customer or user of (a place).
  • to talk in a way that shows you believe that you are more intelligent than other people.
Sovereign -   
  • A king or a queen.
Sovereignty -  
  • it country’s independent authority and right to govern itself.
Example -
  • upon leaving home  she felt  that she had achieved sovereignty for the first time in her life.
Enact -  
  • to perform something (such as a scene in a play).
  • To make a bill or other legislations.
Example -
  • the law was finally enacted today.
  • Congress  will enact legislation related to that issue.
 Dread -  
  • to fear something that will or  might happen.
Example -  
  • she can’t swim and dreads going in water.
  • she lives in a constant dread of rejection.
  • she has a dread of failure.
Thesis -  
  • a piece of writing on a particular subject that has done to earn a degree at a university.
  • A statement that someone wants to prove.
Example -  
  • Siddharth wrote his thesis on gravitational force inside black hole.
  • new evidence supports these thesis.
Hypothesis -   
  • theory / propositions / thesis
  • an idea or theory that is not proven but that leads to  further study or  discussion.
Proposition -  
  • something offered for consideration for acceptance.
  • to offer to have sex in a direct and often offensive way.
  • a statement to be proved or discussed.
Example -
  • he made an attractive business proposition.
  • he was propositioned by a prostitute.
Reprieve -
  • to delay the punishment of (someone, such as a prisoner  who is sentenced to death).
  • to prevent something for being closed/destroyed etc. for period of time.
  • to postpone.
  • he was sentenced to death but then reprieved.
  • the library has been reprieved and will remain open for at least another year.
Oasis -   
  • an area in a desert where there is water and plants.
  • a pleasant place that is surrounded by something unpleasant.
  • time or  experience that is  pleasant  and restful.
Example -  
  • the  small park is an oasis amid the city’s many factories.
  • Our brief trip to trip was much needed oasis in a summer of hard work.
Emancipation -
  • the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation .
  • the freeing of someone from slavery.
Example -
  • the social and political emancipation of women.
  • the early struggle for emancipation from slavery.
Sedulous -
  • (of a person or action) showing dedication and diligence.
  • diligent, careful, meticulous, thorough, assiduous, attentive, industrious, laborious, hard-working, conscientious, ultra-careful, punctilious, scrupulous, painstaking.
Example -
  • he watched himself with the most sedulous care.
Psephology -
  • the statistical study of elections and trends in voting.
Isthmus -
  • a narrow strip of land with sea on either side, forming a link between two larger areas of land.
Idiosyncrasy -
  • a mode of behaviour or way of thought peculiar to an individual.
  • an abnormal physical reaction by an individual to a food or drug.
Example-  one of his little idiosyncrasies was always preferring to be in the car first.
Proselyte -
  • a person who has converted from one opinion, religion, or party to another.
  • new believer, catechumen, recruit, neophyte, newcomer, initiate, tyro, novice.
Sneer -
  • a contemptuous or mocking smile, remark, or tone.
  • smile or speak in a contemptuous or mocking manner.
Example -
  • he acknowledged their presence with a condescending sneer.
  • she had sneered at their bad taste.
Cynic -
  • a person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honourable or unselfish reasons
Example -
  • some cynics thought that the controversy was all a publicity stunt.
Pilferages -
  • Habit of stealing (a small amount or item).
Vendetta -
  • a prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign against someone.
  • feud, blood feud, quarrel, argument, falling-out, wrangle, clash, altercation, dispute.
Example -
  • he has accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.
Expiate -
  • make amends or reparation for (guilt or wrongdoing).
  • make reparation for, make recompense for, make restitution for, purge.
Example -
  • their sins must be expiated by sacrifice.
Atonement -
  • make amends or reparation.
Example -
  • a human sacrifice to atone for the sin.
Clientele -
  • clients collectively.
  • the customers of a shop, bar, or place of entertainment.
Example -
  • the dancers don't mix with the clientele
Chivalrous -
  • (of a man or his behaviour) courteous and gallant, especially towards women.
  • gallant, gentlemanly, honourable, respectful, thoughtful, considerate, protective, attentive.
Example -
  • teachers may be more chivalrous towards girls
Soporific -
  • tending to induce drowsiness or sleep.
  • a drug or other substance that induces drowsiness or sleep.
  • sleeping pill, sleeping potion, sedative, calmative, tranquilizer, narcotic, opiate; hypnotic.
Example -
  • the motion of the train had a somewhat soporific effect.
Pestle -
  • a heavy tool with a rounded end, used for crushing and grinding substances such as spices or drugs, typically in a mortar.
Example -
  • she measured seeds into the mortar and pestled them to powder.
Mortar -
  • a cup-shaped receptacle in which ingredients are crushed or ground, used in cooking or pharmacy.
Outlaw -
  • a person who has broken the law, especially one who remains at large or is a fugitive.
  • ban or make illegal.
Example -
  • secondary picketing has been outlawed.
Harbour -
  • a body of water where ships, boats and barges seek shelter from stormy weather, or are stored for future use.
 Harbinger -
  • one that initiates a major change :  a person or thing that originates or helps open up a new activity, method, or technology.
Example -
  • the harbingers of peace to a hitherto distracted … people — David Livingstone.
 Solemn -
  • formal and dignified.
  • dignified, ceremonious, ceremonial, stately, courtly, majestic, imposing, impressive, awe-inspiring, portentous, splendid, magnificent, grand, important, august, formal.
Example -
  • he swore a solemn oath to keep faith.
  • A solemn procession / occasion.
Referendum -
  • a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision.
Example -
  • he called for a referendum on the death penalty.


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