1. When Someone missed the beat (losses the opportunity) 2. when someone asks you to do silly things /acts silly. 3. Her reaction when she notices you drooling over her. 4. When your friend found a girl hot. 5. Her reaction when someone tries to flatter her with his English accent. 6. Your reaction when you are quarreling with your friend and someone came as an arbitrator. 7. Your reaction when someone tries to interfere in your work. 8. Your friend’s reaction when you achieved something. 9. Bromance 10 . Your reaction when something happened unexpectedly. 11. When someone messed up with your things and you didn’t know who did this. 12. While expressing your love towards him/her.
वाक्यांश या शब्द–समूह -- शब्द • हाथी हाँकने का छोटा भाला— अंकुश • जो कहा न जा सके— अकथनीय • जिसे क्षमा न किया जा सके— अक्षम्य • जिस स्थान पर कोई न जा सके— अगम्य • जो कभी बूढ़ा न हो— अजर • जिसका कोई शत्रु न हो— अजातशत्रु • जो जीता न जा सके— अजेय • जो दिखाई न पड़े— अदृश्य • जिसके समान कोई न हो— अद्वितीय • हृदय की बातेँ जानने वाला— अन्तर्यामी • पृथ्वी, ग्रहोँ और तारोँ आदि का स्थान— अन्तरिक्ष • दोपहर बाद का समय— अपराह्न • जो सामान्य नियम के विरुद्ध हो— अपवाद • जिस पर मुकदमा चल रहा हो/अपराध करने का आरोप हो/अभियोग लगाया गया हो— अभियुक्त • जो पहले कभी नहीँ हुआ— अभूतपूर्व • फेँक कर चलाया जाने वाला हथियार— अस्त्र • जिसकी गिनती न हो सके— अगणित/अगणनीय • जो पहले पढ़ा हुआ न हो— अपठित • जिसके आने की तिथि निश्चित न हो— अतिथि • कमर के नीचे पहने जाने वाला वस्त्र— अधोवस्त्र • जिसके बारे मेँ कोई निश्चय न हो— अनिश्चित • जिसका भाषा द्वारा वर्णन असंभव हो— अनिर्वचनीय • अत्यधिक बढ़ा–चढ़ा कर कही गई बात— अतिशयोक्ति • सबसे आगे रहने वाला— अग्रणी • जो पहले जन्मा हो— अग्रज • जो बाद मेँ जन्मा हो— अनुज • जो इंद्रियोँ...
Don't hesitate to applaud them if you found them praiseworthy. Correct use of compliments makes the conversation rich and delightful. Although, complimenting someone could be a quite tricky task if you don't know the right words. For example, if you found someone funny and entertaining, despite complimenting them by saying "you are very funny", you could say "you are amusing" and it will sound more powerful. Following is the list of such powerful complimenting words, which you should adopt in your vocabulary - Download Here Intriguing When someone is intriguing, they’re mysterious and interesting and have a way of pulling you in. People take this word as a huge compliment. Stunning We’ve all met someone who is simply gorgeous, so pretty or handsome that there are few words to describe them. This word does! “He is stunning in that gorgeous suit." Breathtaking When someone literally makes your heart pound and takes your breath away, this word describes w...
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